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Luca Ballabio accomplishes his studies in orchestra conducting with a Master Degree under the guidance of maestro Marc Kissoczy and maestro Arturo Tamayo at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano (CH), where he studies also composition, score reading and orchestration.

He specializes in the opera repertoire through courses and masterclasses with maestro Riccardo Muti and maestro Daniel Oren.

He has the opportunity to deepen the Belcanto and Italian Repertoire working with maestra Carmen Santoro (internationally renowned vocal coach) and collaborating with artists such as Michele Pertusi, Renata Scotto, Paolo Bordogna, Enea Scala, Carmela Remigio and Gregory Kunde.

From 2018 to 2020 he is appointed assistant conductor of maestro Sesto Quatrini, assisting him for the productions of Tosca, La Boheme, Madama Butterfly and La Traviata at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre in Vilnius.

In august 2021 he debuts at the renowned Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro, where he conducts Il Viaggio a Reims in the historical setting by Emilio Sagi, claiming great success from the critics and being defined as a “talented young conductor that shows complete mastery both of technical and dramatical sides of the work”.

In November 2021 he is engaged as cover conductor in the new production of Norma at the Theatre de La Monnaie of Bruxelles.

In 2024 he is selected as Conducting Fellow at the renowned Verbier Festival, where he has the chance to assist and be mentored by artists such as Simon Rattle, Antonio Pappano, Klaus Makela and Gabor Takacs-Nagy.

Being very active also in the symphonic repertoire, he has been invited as guest conductor from several national and international institutions, such as, among others, Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana – OSI, Orchestra della Toscana – ORT, Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto, Costanza National Opera House, Karlovy Vary Simphony Orchestra, Vidin State Philharmonic, Roma Tre Orchestra, Orchestra Antonio Vivaldi, Orchestra Sinfonica dei Colli Morenici, Orchestra da Camera Città di Como.

He made his debut within important national festivals and concert seasons, above all Serate Musicali, in the renowned Verdi Hall in Milan, Reate Festival and Viotti-Valsesia International Violin Competition.

Starting from the 2021/2022 season he begins his tenure as Music Director of the Filarmonica Ettore Pozzoli, with whom he cooperates regularly since 2016, regularly conducting both symphonic and opera productions.

Luca Ballabio begins his musical career as trombone player, collaborating with the major Italian and European orchestras and opera houses, thus having the chance to work with such musicians as Gustavo Dudamel, Sir Antonio Pappano, Fabio Luisi, Myung-Whun Chung, Manfred Honeck, Susanna Mallki, Gianandrea Noseda, David Coleman, and Mikko Franck.

Tiziana Tentoni

Website: Ecograph
Photo shooting: Alberto Mantegna
Barbara Lo Faro
Social Media Manager: Anna Hakobyan


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