Georges Tomb

I met Georges at a conducting Master Class, and since then we’ve had a great friendship that endures even if we rarely meet and we live in different continents. A greatly talented Lebanese composer, he mostly works in film music, and he is obviously in love with Ennio...

Ettore Pozzoli Musical Association

A wonderful institution that has been eagerly and seriously working for ten years to spread great music outside the main cultural centres; one of the first organizations to believe in my competence, entrusting me with artistically valuable productions and concerts....

Andrea Conti

Andrea Conti needs no introductions, he’s simply one of the best skilled trombonists in the world. I had the privilege of having him as a teacher and – if you know him, you know it – his classes go beyond the prescribed sixty-minutes lessons with the instrument in...

Marc Kissoczy

Marc epitomizes the perfect teacher: skilled, experienced, humanly helpful to his students, eager to stand aside and watch his pupils’ paths, always ready to give them a valuable piece of advice.  I’m grateful that he was my reference point during my education as...


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